Virginia Sitzes
Virginia is a printmaker, painter, and muralist living in Oklahoma City. She has exhibited, as well as taught workshops, regionally, and her work has been featured in various publications including Art Focus magazine and the Oklahoma Gazette. She has been the drawing and painting liaison at Oklahoma Arts Institute at Quartz Mountain (@oaiquartz) for three years, a printmaking mentor for Artspace at Untitled's high school mentorship program (@artuntitled) and is currently on the Art Tech team for Oklahoma’s department of education. Virginia is an active arts advocate and organizer. She co-founded the emerging artist collective, Art Group OKC (@artgrpokc) in 2017, is the Operations Coordinator for the Connect:Collect (@connect.collect) print exchange, currently serves on the OMS (@okmurals) board, and has curated various pop-up shows in houses, alternative art galleries, and non-traditional venues.